Independent Study » Independent Study

Independent Study



Lin Howe Families

The number of days for the STIS program has changed from the previous 3-13 days to now 1-15 days. This means families can take advantage of this program for absences that are either “Excused” or "Unexcused" by the state of California.
  • To utilize the STIS program, we ask that you send an email to [email protected] and include your child’s teacher on the email requesting an STIS at least 3 days before your child will be absent.  Include the dates that your child will be absent. 
  • Then, complete The Short Term Independent Study Form attached, and submit it to the front office at least 3 days before your child will be absent. Please use a BLACK or BLUE pen.  This will help us gather the necessary information and work for your student to receive credit for the day(s) they are absent.

Please note that the student's work will need to be returned on the day they return from their absence(s), and the teachers will need to check the completed work.  As a reference, I've included the only reasons for excused absences as per the California Education Code (below). If a student is absent for any other reason, the absence is considered "Unexcused."

This option is beneficial for your student, as it allows them to avoid missing additional schoolwork. It also helps the school by keeping families from receiving Truant notifications, which are mandatory through the state, and prevents the school from losing money through Average Daily Attendance (ADA) funding.