Koplinka-Loehr, Danielle » Videos


The Button and The Key

Added Nov 16, 2022
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Please watch the video of Ms. Koplinka-Loehr singing the song "The Button and the Key." You can re-watch the video as many times as you like. Make sure to practice the "Who has the button?" or "Who has the key?" part, and make a guess as to who has which item Zoey has and which item Elliot has! You can sing along when you hear "I have the button!" or "I have the key!" Next, you can teach this song to anyone in your family or household. You can trade off who sings the question "Who has the button?" and "Who has the key?" and then who responds with the answer "I have the button!" or "I have the key!". Be sure to insert your name into the beginning when you sing the song for "Around comes ___, around comes (s)he!" Finally, you can also draw a picture of you hiding the button or the key with someone in your household or your family. If you have a lot of stuffed animals, you can even line them all up and then have someone else in your family guess which stuffed animal has the button or the key. Finally, you can hide a button or a key in your household and try to have someone guess where it is, as in, "The couch has the button and the desk has the key." Have fun!
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Uploaded by Danielle Koplinka-Loehr.

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